Our favorite life-changing products. Get access today.
We search the world for products and services that improve our health, well-being, and quality of life. This is where we share what we have found.

Browse the aisles of our Marketplace.

Shop with our affiliate companies, who have given us so much ROI – Return on Investment on all our purchases in the form of:

  • better days and focus
  • better relationships
  • better sleep and calm
  • better legacy
  • better experiences
  • better health
  • ways to live well and laugh often.

We hope you get the same ROI when you buy with our partners.

Our Marketplace is filled with dynamic companies creating the best products we have found that help us:

1) keep kids active with enriching and affordable activities.

2) keep parents/caregivers at their best performance levels.

We know what it is like to hear, “I’m bored,” or “What are we going to do today?” And we know, as a parent/caregiver what it is like to not have the energy to keep up.

Over the years, we have had the Earth Adventures For Kids mindset of “seek and ye shall find.” As we have sought to keep our own kids busy and keep our own health, wellness, and energy optimized, we have found some amazing companies with products and services that have made our lives better.

In our Marketplace, we offer affiliate links to our favorite companies so that you can "browse the aisles" and see if they can help you solve some of your challenges and increase the quality of your life. Keep others in mind, too, as you can share the links.

From our Marketplace companies, we have achieved:

- Ideal results
- Unexpected benefits
- Desired outcomes
- Great expectations

$25 Annual membership

Visit the Earth Adventures For Kids Marketplace often . . .

We actively search for, discover, and test new products and services. When we approve products and services for our own life standards, we post them in our Marketplace to share with our community. Every company posted in our Marketplace has helped us with our own health, wellness, quality of life, relationships, and more. We hope you will enjoy their products and services too!

We do not make any claims or guarantees, but the information is so valuable for our own improved health and well-being that we feel it is our duty to share the company info with our community. A paid low-fee membership is the best way to organize and manage the directory for customer ease of use and to help cover administration and research costs. Our customers tell us that the value they have gained from these companies is well worth the low access fee.
